Ralph Madara Blacksmith Shop at the Waterford Historical Society Ralph Madara Blacksmith Shop at the Waterford Historical Society Ralph Madara Blacksmith Shop at the Waterford Historical Society Ralph Madara Blacksmith Shop at the Waterford Historical Society

Ralph Madara Blacksmith Shop at the Waterford Historical Society Ralph Madara Blacksmith Shop at the Waterford Historical Society Ralph Madara Blacksmith Shop at the Waterford Historical Society Ralph Madara Blacksmith Shop at the Waterford Historical Society

The Ralph Madara Blacksmith Shop became a reality on November 12, 1982, at an old-time barn-raising event. Madara was a Waterford resident dedicated to the art of blacksmithing.

A dedication plaque on the shop from 2011 reads:
"Ralph Madara Blacksmith Shop: His dedication - boundless; His passion - smithing; His contributions - endless."

The smithy is equipped with a working forge and numerous "smithing tools." An enthusiastic and talented cadre of blacksmiths gather regularly to create hand-forged items and provide instruction in the art of forging. One must be a member of the Waterford Historical Society to work in the forge and must adhere strictly to the posted set of rules. The public is welcome to observe the blacksmiths at work. Hand-forged items made by the smiths are also for sale.


Saturdays, usually from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please check the Facebook page for details. facebook.com/WaterfordHistorySocietyCT

Dates of Operation

The blacksmithshop is open most Saturdays throughout the year, except for holidays, holiday weekends and the very cold months. Open dates and times are posted on the Waterford Historical Society's Facebook page.


Free and open to the public for observations only. Donations are always gratefully accepted.

65 Rope Ferry Road
Waterford, CT 06385
United States

Map & Directions