Ukrainian Museum and Library
The Ukrainian Musuem and Library of Stamford is the oldest cultural institution established by Ukrainians in North America. It is dedicated to the collection, documentation, preservation, and exhibition of artifacts and publications dealing with Ukrainian culture and heritage. By making its resources available for study and research, it is instrumental in the dissemination and advancement of knowledge about Ukraine ethnic communtiy in the United States.
The Museum consists of a Fine Arts Collection which consists of paintings and sculptures of Ukrainian artists from Ukraine and from the Ukrainian diaspora as well as works of art of non-Ukrainian artists that deal with Ukrainian themes. It also has a Folk Art Collection that consists of folk costumes, embroidered shirts, ritual cloths(rushnyky), textiles, kilims, etc. Along has a Religious Collection, consisting of icons from the 17th to the 20th century, includes a number of icons painted by Mykhailo Osinchuk, a few by Christine Dochwat, Petro Cholodny the elder and the younger, and Sviatoslav Hordynskyi. The library holds over 60,000 books and periodicals include some very rare and unique publications.

61 Glenbrook Rd,
Stamford, CT 06902
United States