Farmington Canal Linear Park
The Farmington Canal State Park Trail in Cheshire and Hamden forms a portion of the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail which traverses Connecticut, north to south, from Suffield to New Haven. The State Park Trail follows the path of the Farmington Canal which served the area from 1828 to 1847. Today walkers, bicyclists, strollers, inline skaters, joggers and others make use of this scenic and historic byway.
There are four access points to the Farmington Canal State Park Trail (from north to south):
Cornwall Street, 0.6 mile west of the Cornwall Street and Route 10 intersection.
North Brooksvale Road, 1 mile west of its intersection with Route 10.
At Brooksvale Recreation Park on Brooksvale Avenue.
Todd Street, 350 feet west of its intersection with Route 10.
Along Whitney Ave.
New Haven, CT 06518
United States