Sessions Woods Wildlife Management Area
Exhibit area with displays about Connecticut's wildlife, including demonstrations of wildlife and habitat management practices. Hiking trails, beaver marsh, waterfall, observation tower.
The biggest threat facing Connecticut's wildlife species is the loss of habitat. As more land is developed, there is less land that wildlife can all home. Because more than 90 percent of our state's acreage is privately owned, both large and small landowners, as well as all Connecticut residents, must play a critical role in Connecticut's wildlife conservation efforts. To meet this need, the Wildlife Division established the Sessions Woods Wildlife Management Area (WMA), located in Burlington, Connecticut. The purchase was made possible with the help of sportsmen-generated Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration (Pittman-Robertson) funds. More than just a tract of natural land set aside for wildlife, Session Woods WMA introduces visitors to wildlife and natural resources management through various educational programs, demonstration sites, self-guided hiking trails, and displays. Visitors will develop a better understanding of the Wildlife Division's role in managing Connecticut's wildlife populations, as well as learn about what they can do to have a positive impact on the future of Connecticut's wildlife and other natural resources.
Sessions Woods WMA focuses on conservation education, with facilities to bring school groups, the general public and natural resource professionals from throughout Connecticut and the region to participate in educational programs, demonstrations, and workshops pertaining to wildlife and natural resource management. These facilities include an education center with an exhibit area and a large meeting room, as well as interpretive trails, habitat management demonstration areas, and a backyard wildlife habitat area. Sessions Woods WMA offers conservation education programming that uses the expertise of Wildlife Division and other Department of Environmental Protection natural resource management staff. Staff may also be available, by appointment, to conduct group educational programs at the Center and to give technical assistance and professional advice to visitors on an individual basis.
Tour time: 30 minutes-2.5 hours.
Other amenities: parking, printed guides

341 Milford St.
(Rte. 69)
Burlington, CT 06013
United States