Connecticut's Spring Blossom Finder
Spring (April-May)
Once the snow melts, springtime in Connecticut quickly takes hold, rewarding us with colorful gardens, open fields, flowering trees and wonderful spring festivals. In April and May, the cherry blossoms, tulips, daffodils and dogwoods come into bloom. Here are a few of the biggest and best viewing opportunities, as well as some suggestions for other places in Connecticut also beginning to bloom.

Cherry Blossoms in the City
One of the most beautiful of Connecticut's many flowering trees is our cherry blossom tree. But mark your calendars, as they only bloom for about a week or two, usually in April. Lining New Haven's historic Wooster Square, these harbingers of spring are a stunning sight.

Daffodils on Display
In Connecticut, there are loads of locations to see fields of daffodils. This year's Daffodil Festival held on May 3 & 4 in Meriden's Hubbard Park is where visitors can see 600,000 daffodils along with family-fun activities. Still, looking for more flowers?

Delight in the Dogwoods
Did you know that dogwood “blossoms” are in fact a kind of leaf? That their flowers can be either white or pink? And that they're actually native to North America? In fact, Native Americans used the strong bark of the dogwoods for making toothbrushes, daggers and arrows, while roots and berries were sometimes used in medicines and dyes. You can see delightful dogwoods at Fairfield's Greenfield Hill. Still haven’t gotten your fix of springtime flowers?

Tops in Tulips
The John Scheepers Company of Bantam, Connecticut has been an international leader in importing tulip bulbs for almost 100 years. In Hartford’s Elizabeth Park, it's not all about the roses. Tulips first made an appearance in 1911, and 11,000 tulip bulbs are planted there every October. And Bridgeport’s Colorblends House & Garden puts on a great show with over 40,000 bulbs coming up through April and May. When you see them, you can understand why tulips used to be more valuable than gold!
Connecticut Springs to Life!
It’s not just flowers that are springing to life in Connecticut right now. Don’t forget a visit to one of the amazing nature centers and arboretums throughout the state, such as Connecticut College Arboretum in New London, the Roaring Brook Nature Center, or New Canaan Nature Center. Or discover more beautiful blooms at these gardens for budding photographers!
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