5 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Date Night Cliché
There’s nothing like the pressure of planning the perfect date. But while romance is usually on the list, sometimes you’re just looking to try something new or unpredictable that will surprise or impress your date — and maybe even give you memories for years to come. Here’s a list of a few of Connecticut’s more unexpected date ideas.
Be sure to check with each location before venturing out as hours may change.
Get Stuck Together
Can you get out in time? Connecticut is now home to a handful of these intriguing attractions. Team up to use your brains and your wits to figure a way out.
Take a Taste Test
Tours and tastings are not just for wineries anymore. Although the Connecticut Wine Trail features more than 40 vineyards all over the state, here are a few ideas for other delicious destinations that make for a delectable date.
Get Cultured
Think museums are old fashioned? Check out these top Connecticut destinations that offer a truly unusual and interesting educational experience — not to mention a lot of fun.
Get Active
A date can also be a great excuse to learn a new skill, or try something you’ve never tried before. Be sure to coordinate plans with your date first, these might not go over well as surprises !
Go for a Walk
When the weather warms up, a great way to get to know someone, and get a little exercise at the same time, is to go for stroll together. These walks offer the benefits of fresh air, great food and culture, too.
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