Spectacular Sanctuaries
Rhododendron, azaleas and mountain laurel seem to prosper everywhere in Connecticut from mid-June to mid-July, but there are a few special places where the displays will blow you away. Take this day trip to discover them all.
- Spring
- Summer
- Mountain Laurel Sanctuary
- Pachaug State Forest
- Arboretum at Connecticut College
Nipmuck State Forest, Union

Mountain Laurel Sanctuary
Connecticut’s Official State Flower gets its proper due in the Mountain Laurel Sanctuary within Nipmuck State Forest in Union. Here you can take a mile-long hike amidst the laurel, first planted in 1935 by the federal Civilian Conservation Corps.
Pachaug State Forest, Voluntown

Pachaug State Forest
Next, it’s on to the Rhododendron Sanctuary located within 27,000-acre Pachaug State Forest in Voluntown. The half-mile trail here runs through growths of enormous rhododendrons, some more than 20-feet high, as well as hemlock and Atlantic white cedar.
Connecticut College Arboretum, New London

Arboretum at Connecticut College
If you’ve got time, be sure to stop in as well at The Arboretum at Connecticut College, located on some 750 acres of preserved open space in New London. What was once a farm surrounded by woodlands has been transformed over time into one of Connecticut’s most beautiful natural places – and one where mountain laurel, azaleas and rhododendron are vigorous participants.