This modern residential town is rich in New England history. Originally, Wilton began as a farming town, and throughout the decades has transformed into a suburban community with 18,000 residents. Its rural atmosphere offers winding back roads, streams, ponds, woods, and rolling hills to enjoy. Weir Farm is the only national historic site in Connecticut, part of the U.S National Park Service. This site spans 60-acres of national parkland in the towns of Wilton and Ridgefield, with a focus on visual arts. Once home to impressionist artist Julian Alden Weir, the historic home and grounds have been maintained for the public to explore. The farm is open daily for tours of the gardens, homes museum. Weir Farm also offers a walking trail to Weir Pond, Junior Ranger programs for kids, and Take Part in Art; grab a set of art supplies and paint alongside professional artists.
40 Things We Love About Wilton
Wilton: Families are Fulfilled, Lives Are Enriched