October 26, 2024

Halloween Stroll

Costumed children of all ages are invited for a fun morning in West Hartford Center and Blue Back Square for the Annual Halloween Stroll on Saturday, October 26, 2024, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM. (Rain Date: Sunday, October 27)

Costumed children of all ages are invited for a fun morning in West Hartford Center and Blue Back Square for the Annual Halloween Stroll on Saturday, October 26, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM. (Rain Date: Sunday, October 27)

Little ghouls and goblins (and princesses and heroes, too) are welcome to Trick-or-Treat at participating merchants. There will be live music, giveaways, mascots, balloon artists, candy and more! Sunny Train will be performing live in Blue Back Square. Special thanks to Blue Back Square/Charter Realty as the entertainment sponsor.


Please begin your stroll at West Hartford Town Hall Front Lawn. All participating retailers are located on Farmington Ave., South & North Main Street, LaSalle Road, Memorial Road, and Isham Rd.


This popular event draws thousands of people so give yourself plenty of extra time to secure a parking spot. Parking is available at Town Hall (50 South Main St.), and in the parking garages on Isham Rd., Memorial Rd. and the Town Center building on South Main Street. Park is also available in the municipal lots on Brace Road, Farmington Avenue and LaSalle Road. Parking fees apply at all these locations.


Isham Road, from Memorial Road to Dinah Road, will be closed from 9 AM to 1 PM for this special event.


For more information, visit Moms & More website: https://www.wehamoms.com/

This event is sponsored by Moms & More Club of West Hartford in collaboration with Town of West Hartford, Blue Back Square, West Hartford Chamber of Commerce and West Hartford Center Business Association.


Location Outside

West Hartford Center and Blue Back Square streets

Saturday: 10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Rain Date: Sunday, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM