Diasporican: From Dispersion to Integration
"Diasporican: From Dispersion to Integration" is a comprehensive exhibition that will delve into the diverse Puerto Rican identities within the diaspora and document diasporic experiences related to Puerto Rico. Featuring the works of four Puerto Rican artists, the exhibition aims to initiate a dialogue about the ever-changing Puerto Rican community and its ongoing presence in the contemporary United States.
"Diasporican: From Dispersion to Integration" is a comprehensive exhibition that will delve into the diverse Puerto Rican identities within the diaspora and document diasporic experiences related to Puerto Rico. Featuring the works of four Puerto Rican artists, the exhibition aims to initiate a dialogue about the ever-changing Puerto Rican community and its ongoing presence in the contemporary United States.
83 Windham Street
Willimantic CT, 06226
Reception: October 24, 2024, 6:00 p.m. (7:15pm Premiere Exhibition)
Gallery Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Noon - 4 PM
Tuesday, Thursday: Noon - 7 PM
Saturday: 11 AM - 4 PM
Additional hours by appointment: (860) 465-4625