May 8, 2024

Coffee Talk: Talking Trash

Coffee Talk is a Connecticut Science Center lecture series designed to fuel your brain and caffeinate your curiosity with intriguing topics and engaging presentations. Each session includes a presentation, $5 parking voucher, and an assortment of beverages and pastries.


Presented by Jackson Somers, PhD
Join us as we delve into the fascinating and oftentimes overlooked world of waste management. From garbage and recycling to the latest advances in tackling food waste, this discussion promises to shed light on the industry’s many challenges today. With a special focus on Connecticut, we will explore the innovative solutions being implemented right now and the exciting possibilities for the future. Don’t miss this engaging and informative conversation about the present and future of trash.


TICKETS: $40—Series Bundle (Includes Mug) | $12—Individual Session | $8—Coffee Talk Ceramic Mug
Location Connecticut Science Center

250 Columbus Boulevard
Hartford CT, 06103

Wednesday, May 8 | 10AM - 11:30AM