May 15, 2024

Coffee Talk: Our Climate & Our Land

Coffee Talk is a Connecticut Science Center lecture series designed to fuel your brain and caffeinate your curiosity with intriguing topics and engaging presentations. Each session includes a presentation, $5 parking voucher, and an assortment of beverages and pastries.


Presented by Guiling Wang, PhD
Embark on a voyage through Earth’s dynamic ecosystems, where the interplay between climate change and land use unfolds in a compelling saga of resilience and adaptation. As these colossal forces collide, they sculpt our landscapes, providing challenges as well as opportunities for ecosystem services. From verdant rainforests to rugged mountainsides, each corner of our planet weaves a narrative of adaptation, highlighting the invincible essence of Mother Nature herself. In the realm of climate and land use, change stands as the ultimate constant—and within change lies the potential for discovery, exploration, and endless thrill.


TICKETS: $40—Series Bundle (Includes Mug) | $12—Individual Session | $8—Coffee Talk Ceramic Mug
Location Connecticut Science Center

250 Columbus Boulevard
Hartford CT, 06103

Wednesday, May 15 | 10AM - 11:30AM