May 4, 2025

Breakfast with Princesses in the Park

Be our guests! Be our guests! The honor of you and your little Royals is requested under the outdoor marquee reception tent at Wickham Park for a Breakfast with the Princesses!! You and your little Royals will enjoy a delicious breakfast prepared by Chef Thom of Request A Chef as well as songs and stories. Your little Royals will also be able to dance and have their pictures taken with them in the beautiful Hilltop Gardens. 

There are only 80 tickets available and are on a first come first served basis. 

To reserve your seating, please call 860.528.0856, Monday-Friday, between 9am-4:30pm as they will so out fast.


$25.00 per child under 12
$30 per person
Location Wickham Park

1329 Middle Turnpike West
Manchester CT, 06040

10 a.m.