April 25, 2025 – May 10, 2025

August Wilson's "Radio Golf"

"Radio Golf" is August Wilson’s last play in his famous American Century Cycle. It is a fast-paced, dynamic and wonderfully funny play about the world today and the dreams we have for the future. Set in Pittsburgh in the late 1990s, it’s the story of a successful entrepreneur who aspires to become the city’s first Black mayor. On the verge of an almost-guaranteed win, he finds his identity shaken when his morals and ideals are questioned by those around him. Ultimately, he must recognize what the price of his success is and decide whether he is willing to pay it. Directed by Rae Janeil, auditions for 5 roles are coming up Feb. 23 & 24.

Shows are at the theatre on Route 25, next to Brookfield Library, on April 25 thru May 10 on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Reserved seating tickets are $25 for adults and $20 for students and seniors 65 and older. They are available online at www.BrookfieldTheatre.org or at the box office. There will also be a free preview on Thursday, April 24 at 8 p.m. for area senior citizens.

Brookfield Theatre's 2025 Season is made possible with the support of the Department of Economic and Community Development, Office of Arts; Support has also been provided to Brookield Theatre from CT Humanities (CTH), with funding provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature; Along with the generous donations of our many supporters and subscribers. 


Adults $25, seniors $20, students $20.
Location Brookfield Theatre

184 Whisconier Rd
Brookfield CT, 06804

Friday 8-10 pm, Saturday 8-10pm, Sunday 2-4 pm.