Take Your Time, Connecticut — Play Tourist in Your Own Backyard!
last updated: January 2024
Research shows that 7.2 million vacation days go unused in Connecticut every year. Now, with a new nationwide study touting the health benefits of taking more of your hard-earned Paid Time Off (PTO) days, we’ve got a few suggestions on how you can “take your time” — while playing tourist right here at home.

Take your time — and play tourist for the day.
Visit a popular museum on a weekday and avoid the crowds. Get in a little retail therapy with outlet shopping. Linger over lunch and coffee in an out-of-the-way café. Your day off is perfect for these and other pursuits. Click Learn More to see even more suggestions.

Take your time — and discover natural wonders.
From waterfalls to bike tours, a stroll in the forest or a hike on the trail, take a day off from work and explore the natural beauty of Connecticut. You might even try these adventurous leaf-peeping activities! For more great ideas, be sure to click Learn More!

Take your time — and enjoy a day on the water.
A lighthouse cruise on Long Island Sound, a sailing lesson off Mystic, a paddle on one of Connecticut’s scenic rivers. In the spring and summer seasons, the water really is the best place to spend a day off from work. Click Learn More for more great ideas for a day on the water.

Take your time — and find a hidden gem.
With busy weekends, it seems there’s never time to discover those hidden gems everyone seems to be talking about. Keep a list and when you have the chance to take a day off, spend it exploring one of the state’s paths less traveled. To find off-the-beaten-path Connecticut villages, click Learn More now.

Take your time — and go house hunting.
The houses we have in mind are truly historic (and not for sale), but they capture moments in time from times long ago. Take a day off from work and place yourself where colonial and civil-war era Nutmeggers lived, it’s enough to make you appreciate indoor plumbing. We've compiled a list of the most fascinating historic houses in the state—many of which have amazing gardens as well. Click Learn More to see them.

Take your time — and hit the slopes.
When was the last time you really enjoyed a snow day? Why should kids have all the fun? Don’t wait for a massive storm to take a day off from work — plan a day and head for one of Connecticut’s ski destinations. In the middle of the week, you may feel like you have the slopes to yourself. Click Learn More to find the best places to spend a snowy day in Connecticut.

Take your time — and just relax.
There really is nothing like a spa visit to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. Plan a day off and get your pampering on at one of Connecticut’s resort or day spas. Everyone will notice when you return to work refreshed and revived. To see a few of the most popular spa destinations in Connecticut, click Learn More.
It's a fact that Connecticut workers only use about 7.5 of their average 18.6 Paid Time Off (PTO) days for travel! Don’t let those days to waste. Enjoy them in Connecticut, and be sure to tag your adventures with #TakeYourTime. Start planning today!
Source: Project Time Off
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