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Explore Freely – Connecticut’s Park ConneCT Program Explore Freely – Connecticut’s Park ConneCT Program Explore Freely – Connecticut’s Park ConneCT Program Explore Freely – Connecticut’s Park ConneCT Program
Explore Freely – Connecticut’s Park ConneCT Program Explore Freely – Connecticut’s Park ConneCT Program Explore Freely – Connecticut’s Park ConneCT Program Explore Freely – Connecticut’s Park ConneCT Program

Explore Freely – Connecticut’s Park ConneCT Program

Meet our #CTcreator Mosi Moses of Connecticut Trails! is proud to partner with some of the region's most popular content creators for ideas, insights and inspiration from the people who are lucky enough to call Connecticut home, like the writer Mosi Moses, who wrote this article. Article has been updated by the Connecticut Office of Tourism.

Summer is one of the most exciting times to explore Connecticut's State Parks. Now it's easier than ever with the Park ConneCT Program. This program provides free transportation from Memorial Day to Labor Day to some of these beautiful parks. I'll give you the full list as well as some details on 3 of my favorite hidden gems.

The parks in the Park ConneCT Program are Sherwood Island State Park, Indian Wells State Park, Sleeping Giant State Park, Fort Trumbull State Park, Hammonasset Beach State Park, Osbornedale State Park, and Silver Sands State Park. Some of these parks are pretty popular, but a few of them are a bit more untapped. Here are three that I love!


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