9 Summer Day Trip Ideas in Central Connecticut
last updated: January 2024
CTvisit.com is proud to partner with some of Connecticut’s most popular bloggers for ideas, insights and inspirations from the people who are lucky enough to call Connecticut home. This article is from MommyPoppins.com and has been edited by the Connecticut Office of Tourism.
In summer, there's so much family fun to discover in Hartford and New Haven counties, from kid-friendly museum outings to beach days. Our friends at Mommy Poppins, a fantastic resource for families in Central Connecticut and beyond, make it even more compelling with a list of attractions for some seriously awesome summer adventures. They’re grouped by area, so you can easily create your own itinerary. Click through each link for more information and inspiration.

Close to Hartford
1. Admire and ride carousel horses at the Bushnell Park Carousel in Hartford.
2. Sit in the cockpit of a fighter jet at the New England Air Museum.
3. Enjoy unlimited rides on vintage trolley cars at the Connecticut Trolley Museum.
4. Spend the day exploring water forces, bubbles, robots, galaxies, and more scientific wonders at the Connecticut Science Center.
5. Get hands on with prehistoric history at Dinosaur State Park.

Near New Haven
6. Travel back in time on an authentic, restored antique trolley car on a real trolley line at the Shore Line Trolley Museum in East Haven.
7. Channel your inner tightrope walker as you take on the 56-foot tall ropes courses and climb through cargo nets, angled rope ladders and more at IT Adventure Ropes Course in New Haven.
8. See the world's largest collection of PEZ memorabila, PEZ motorcycle, the world's largest PEZ dispenser, PEZ trivia game, factory store, and more at the PEZ Visitor Center in Orange.
9. Have a picnic at one of the many great beaches nearby.
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