Country Fair Season is Here
last updated: January 2024
Late summer/early fall is country fair time in Connecticut. Across the state, you’ll find authentic country fairs that have been an annual event here for generations. From midways to music, livestock competitions to deep-fried everything, there’s no better way to spend a day, night, or weekend than at the fair! Here’s a shortlist of just a few of the fairs happening in August and September. Find an updated list of some of Connecticut’s most popular country fairs and festivals for 2023, here.

Magic of the Midway
A staple of most country fairs, a midway filled with amusement rides, games and activities is always a powerful draw for families. The Brooklyn Fair is no exception, with a classic midway of colorful rides. The Harwinton Fair features a large selection rides especially for the little ones, while the Berlin Fair offers attractions with thrills for kids and grown-ups alike.

Loveable Livestock
Country fairs are, at their heart, all about traditions. Competitions among livestock are as popular today as they were back in the old days. At Four Town Fair in Somers, you’ll find ribbon battles over cattle, sheep, chickens, rabbits, pigs and more, while the Woodstock Fair also has a horse show.

Food Coma
Many people go to the fair strictly for the food. While you may be able to sample fresh raised vegetables and fresh-baked pies, it’s often the snacks like ice cream, fried dough, hot dogs, and other treats that wreck your diet, at least for a night. You won’t be disappointed at the Hebron Harvest Fair. And though it’s not technically a country fair, the annual Norwalk Oyster Festival draws quite a crowd for its seafood favorites, too!

Music & Entertainment
Live concerts are a mainstay at country fairs. Most attract popular local bands, but a few have big name headliners too. Check out the line-ups for this year’s Durham Fair and Bethlehem Fair!

Trucks & Tractors
At country fairs all across the state, tractors get the spotlight for a change, and kids love to watch, climb and learn about these machines. The Guilford Fair has antique tractor pulls, and at the Goshen Fair, you’ll find truck pulls and monster trucks. The Haddam Neck Fair has an extreme Jeep rock climbing show too.
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